Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Crash On The Border Of Iran

RQ170 Sentinel drone in flight non human piloted.
     There was recently a crash on the border of Iran. There are two different opinions. One opinion is that the United States was trying to sent the RQ170 Sentinel drone to spy on Iran then shot down according to Iran.But the United States says that they sent the non human piloted aircraft to Afghanistan and by accident it crashed over the border.It is unclear who is telling the truth but we know that the United States have solders in Afghanistan so we can understand that but also Iran said that they saw it and a spy aircraft has to spy on something so they shot it down so that might also be true.Now the RQ170 Sentinel drone is in Iran captivity and they could use the technology to make their own spy plane.In conclusion,this is connected to class because when Pakistan and India were fighting each other for power  nobody wanted to be wrong because it will make their government look bad just like now with United States and Iran.    
                                                                                                                                                   AF & NT

UN Security Council toughens sanctions on Eritrea

This the group of terrorists that Eritrea is being accused of supporting.
After being accused of supporting terrorist groups in Somalia the UN Security Council put sanctions on Eritrea. The president of Eritrea demanded to speak to the UN Security Council because he strongly disagreed with the sanctions.Also other countries like China and Russia had abstained from voting in the Security Council.Some countries had been asked to keep an eye on Eritrea to prevent them from supporting the terrorist groups.some East African countries actually wanted to toughen the sanctions,but since two countries had abstained,and European countries had decided that the government should be hurt not the people.This connects to what we did in class,when the Hindus had said that the Pakistan government was providing guns to the terrorist groups.The terrorist groups would then use these guns against the Indian Parliament killing 60 people.

 CR and JCF
These people are the riot police who manage to stop the violence .
 This is the second election in the DR Congo since the second Congo war! Right now Kabila is winning the election and in second place is Mr.Tshirsekedi.The supporters in the DR Congo think that Kabila rigged the election and Mr.Tshirsekedi should be the winner for the elections.Also the UN sent riot polices to stop violence during the elections if that happens.Also the UN sent helicopters to the pick up Congolese who live in Saharan Africa so they can vote.Also people protested in other countries for example Central London,Belgium,and South Africa.Also analysts believe there are ghost voters in the election.This connects to Joseph Mobutu because he was who lead the 1st election in the DR Congo.Also how he rigged the election so he could still be the president and he lasted 30 years.Also this connects to Trujillo who also rigged elections in the Dominican Republic.        JL BT

Possible rigged elections in Moscow,Russia causes protests

Russian Police officers in Riot Gear are trying to calm down protesters.
In Moscow,Russia citizens are protesting about possible rigged elections for the new president.The man accused of rigging elections is the prime minister of the country, Vladmir Putin.Protesters in the Triumphal Square, a road near the city of Kremlin, are arrested.About 300 protesters were arrested including the two protest leaders, Alexei Nalalny, a Blogger and Ilya Yashin. The two men were convicted of Obstructing the Course of justice and are sentenced to 15 days in jail,they were convicted on Tuesday.After their arrest they released the statement "There is not a single doubt that my case is under the special control of the party of crooks and thieves". This connects to class about Raphel Trujillo because he rigged elections and jailed people who went against him. Raphel Trujillo was also unfair to people in the way he treated them

Thursday, December 1, 2011

India Threatens to Boycott the London Olympic

In India , there are groups who want to boycott the London Olympic games , but the Indian Olympic Association does not want to boycott. This happened because the Union Carbide Corporation caused a gas leak in 1984. The company in the Dow London Olympic games called Dow which is now part of this company and made over 15,000 people die from the gas leak. A spokesman in London told India that the Dow company will not be advertised during the games.The Indian Olympic Association is still going  to the London Olympic games even though people don't want them to go to the London Olympic games. This connects to when India boycotted British goods ,when the British didn't give India independence after World War 1. In India people are wanting to boycott the London Olympic games ,but the Indian Olympic Association is still going.

ML and CRos

Syrian goverment kills peacfull protesters

This is the protesters that were shot at
In Syria the goverment shot peacfully protesters that wanted to change the goverment. There was a army officer who shot the sky because he did not want to kill inocent people, he was tortured and killed along with at least two children.Syria was punished by being put sanctions on it.  Soldiers were ordered by the goverment to shot and kill unarmed protesters. Reports say that the Syrain goverment killed a certain number of protesters to try to cover up there crimes against humanity. The soilders massacred 256 children in Syria. Member of the Republican Guard had beat prisoners every two hours of every day and shocked them painfully. This connects to what we learned in class because the Syrain  goverment had killed people and shocked them like King Leopold had killed innocent people in Congo. Also it relates to when King Leopold tricked Congolese and burned documents like when the Syrain goverment killed only a certain number each day to hid crims but deaths add up.

Exciting Elections in Egypt!

Symbols on Ballot Papers to symbolize candidates.
Since, the overthrowing of Presisdent Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians are allowed to vote. The government are now holding elections because the protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square are becoming violent, there have been forty-one people killed, and two thousand people injured. Now that Egyptians are allowed to vote, the voting deadline has been extended because of how many people are registered to vote. Egyptians old and young are waiting in lines that can be as long as two miles. There are a few cases were their have been election-related violence. Since, are some people who do not know how to read, the Ballot Papers  have symbols on them to represents the candidates. This connects to what we've learned about the South Africans when they were allowed to vote. They waited in long lines for days and were very exited to be able to vote. Just like the Egyptians, some South Africans are not educated and can not read so they had the pictures of the candidates on the Ballot Papers.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Soyuz Launches Successfully!

Soyuz takes off and is currently in space.
     In Kazakhstan, three astronauts were sent into space successfully. There was one American, Dan Burbank, 50, and two Russians, Anatoly  Ivanishin, 42, and Anton Shkaplerov,39. They were to fix the equipment in the International Space Station. And the Soyuz never crashed. They took the risk of going into space because they had faith in their equipment.
                                                                                           This connects to class because Russia's government was once Communist. And the United States was scared of Communism . Also if Russia was Communist, the Americans would not work with them.Now that they are not Communist the United States will continue to work with the Russians.

    By PH, XM

Volcano explosion in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Tourists seeing the volcano erupting
Nyamulgira is a volcano in the Democratic of the Congo.This volcano started to erupt in November 6 .The lava  reached about 1,000 ft into the air.This eruption so far is not hurting 200  mountain gorillas.There are 8 different types volcanos in this mountain range.Rangers are charging $300 for tourist to come and see the volcano erupting.Also they  have animals such as mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, okapi,forest elephants,and buffalo.An okapi is like an animal that is 1/2zebra and 1/2 horse. This connects to what we learned in Mr. Ellis's presentation when we learned about the silver back gorillas in the border of Rwanda,which are very uncommon and  the erupting volcano could kill the mountain  gorillas and cause them to become exstint.
By A.S. and  M.D.R

The protest against Bashar

Protesters telling Basher to step down
    The king of Jordan, Abdullah and the people of Syria want the president of Syria, president Bashar to step down from his place. Bashar has been blaming terrorists for the killings of his people, when he was really killing them. the Syrian people have been protesting and are ending up dead because Bashar did'nt want people to protest against his ways. The US.and Europe have been trying to help the Syrian people with their problems with Bashar. Other contries have had snactions on Syria because they didnt want to support Bushar and his killings. This is a connection towards South Africa and its problems with apartheid. The Afrikaaners were treating the blacks and other races badly and other contries wanted the Afrikaaners to stop. Just like Syria, other contries didn't want to sell with South Africa uintl they changed their ways . The contriries had sanctionon South Africa just like Syria.

                                                                                                                    By: AB,TC

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mines In The Democratic Republic Of Congo

a child that got his hands cut off by rebel forces
The Democratic Republic of Congo has always had an ustable past especially since the end of their 5-year war,that just ended in 2003.This war was the deadliest war , since World War 2.The Democratic Republic of Congo was fighting because the rebel groups in the Congo own mines.These mines have gold,dimonds,copper,and many more resources.In 1965,Joseph Mobutu ruled in absolute power and became a dictator.He used these mines to stay in power.In 1994,Rwanda had a genocide which somewhat lead to the 2nd Congo war.Rebel groups still hold power in the eatern part of the Congo,and control mines.Today Joseph Kabila,the president of the Congo, and the govenment try to take down the rebels.Elizabeth Caesens has created a website to raise awarness of the mines in the Congo.This connects to Colombia because today both govenments are trying to take out rebels and are making progress.The UN peacekeeping center is helping to reconstruct the Congo and protect civilians
by Yassmine Raoui and Isaac Lacombe

UN Security Coucil concern over Libya arms stockpile

[amunition from tanks destroyed]
When Gaddafi died, he left behind a stockpile of weapons.NATO helped the Rebels killed Gaddafi and after they destroy some of Gaddafi's weapons, and try to destroy others.NATO already to get a chemical weapons and making sure it does not get into al-Qaeda's hands and his army .UN is trying maintian there to have a safe world to live in. NATO is helping Libya to get a new gov't so Libya won't have a dictator anymore.This connects to Rapheal Trujillo when he rigged elections by giving weapons to his spies.Also he made people disappear to scare people who did not like him.

-CA & RP

Brazil's truth Commission

A man who has been hurt by the military.

The military burying dead bodies.
This reading is about the Senate of Brazil approving for a Truth Commission.The Truth Commission is when people try to find the truth about what the governments did to people during the military rule in 1964-1985. President Rousseff wanted this commission made because she was jailed and tortured during the military rule. She wanted the Senate to enforce this because she wanted to find out what happened to the missing people. President Rousseff made a bill to help create the Truth Commission. This connects to Ethiopia trying to take over Eritrea. The reason why is because Ethiopia went to war with Eritrea to get their land. But then they made a compromise which led to Eritrea letting Ethiopia use the Red Sea, and leaving Eritrea alone. Eritrea allowed this until Ethiopia started to try and take over Eritrea again, and then Eritrea stopped letting Ethiopia use the Red Sea anymore.

By FM and JR

Former colombian rebel elected mayor of capital, Bogotoa!

This shows the day Gustavo was elected for Mayor in Bogota.
         Gustavo Petro, at age 51, was once part of the M-19 guerilla group movement.Perto decided to run for mayor in Bogota. Mr.Petro decided to work on bringing peace and reconciliation to Bogota. Mr. Petro also helped uncover a rigging by the old mayor, Samuel Moreno, which proved he had help tell on bad people, and help become Bogota more peaceful. Mr.Petro was lucky because 41 candidates in other cities that were running for mayor were killed by the paramilitary.In this current event, this connect to what we learned in class because we talked about how people in the guerilla group giving up there weapons. So Gustavo was one of those people who gave up there weapons, and served 2 years instead of 10 years in prison. People were not sure if they wanted a former guerilla person running for mayor. Gustavo assured people that he was going to make peace and reconciliation in Bogota.!!!
                                  AB & HB

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Egypts violence after the president is over thrown.

Egypt Protests
In Egypt the people overthrew president Hosni Mubarak because he was unfair. After Hosni Mubarak was taken down from his presidiential place there was peace in Egypt. But after a while the christians started protesing because the goverment did not do anything while the muslims attack the christians. Also Egypt did not count the muslims who converted to christianity. They only counted the christians who converted to Islam. After the war they had set a cerfew at 7 PM if you were out after 7 you will be sent to jail if the police sees you at night. The president of Egypt was unfair and had so much power it was like Raphael Truijllo in the Dominican Republic so the United states and the poor people assassinated him because he had the absolute power.But in Egypt they overthrew the president.There was a power vaccum when Hosni Mubarak left Egypt the people were out of control, because there was no leader to lead them.


Columbian girl kidnapped by guerilla groups!

Protesters(left) in support of Nohora's(right) release.
        In the Columbian town of Fortul Nohora Munoz was kidnapped.Nohora was the 10 year old daughter of Mayor Jorge Munoz.Two guerilla groups ( FARC an ELN) were suspected to have kidnapped the mayor's daughter.The mother was also kidnapped, but was soon released.The government offered a reward of 100m pesos ($51,500; 33,500 euros) for the safe return of Nohora.The mayor knows more information but cannot release it unless he wants his daughter to be harmed.The head of UNICEF of Columbia Mirian Reyes and many people from the eastern Arauca province are demanding for the guerilla groups to realease Nohora immediately!Columbia used to be known as "the kidnap capital of the world" but the abduction rates have decreased over the last ten years.
      This connects to something we have talked about in class because it is related to when Sir Francis Drake held Hispaniola for ransom.This is like when a guerilla group kidnapped  Nohora in Fortul.
By GF and JPF.

Chile Education

The protesters are being blown away with a STRONG FIRE HOSE
 on people and police wanted protesters to leave.
In Chile education is a big thing because there are some bad leaders that lead to bad education. Also Chilean students have protested in the capital streets which is Santiago. The protesters have destroyed buildings and all of what they have destroyed is worth $1.2 million. Other people have join the students for various reasons such as Gay people having equal rights. Last, students want money to go to schools and improve the education in Chile. This related to class because in New Enlgand, patriots wanted representation in parlament . Also, they protested down the streets and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea.
By MC and JP

Thursday, October 6, 2011


     The first happened in June,2011 in Chile in the southern Patagonia. The wind current from the explosion of the Puyehue Volcano in Chile, affected Villa La Angostura, Argentina, because of the ashes.This effected the farmers and the businesses, because they can't make more money.This affected most of the people the most the most because they don't have any money and when they don't have money they cant buy food or shelter. The damage would take about 6 years to pay and the total lose is $37 MILLION!!
     This effected the people the most because they are killing their cattle and getting sick from the ashes. All of the rain is causing avalanches and landslides.This is like something we have studied in class before when the Haitian earthquake happened. This is like the Haitian earthquake because people from other countries are coming out to help people in Argentina just like in Haiti and giving money because both are in bad conditions

  MA, AM

The Nobel Prize winners

Saul Perlmutter, Adam Reiss, and Brian Schmidt won the Nobel Prize for physics by discovering that the universe is expanding. They discovered this by experimenting on normal candles and using very powerful telescopes.They won $10,000,000 which they had to split up since they all had a part in their work.What really helped them was a substaince called dark energy or matter which holds objects in place and causes  movments like revolutions around the sun.They started this in 1944.

Saul Perlmutter,Adam Riess,and Brian Schmidt
     Saul Perlmutter,Adam Riess, and Brian Schmidt discovered this theory with a telescope and Galileo discovered the heliocentric theory using a telescope.This means they both proved evidence using the same thing which is telescope.
By GDV and JH

Protesters in Bolivia protest for The Bolivian Amazon

Bolivians protest for Bolivian Amazon.
The goverment of Bolivia is trying to build a highway through the Bolivian Amazon.The indigenous protesters protested because the highway was running through their territory and hurting the enviorment.When protesting about the highway, the police blocked the protesters halfway and then a riot of police started spraying tear gas and attacking the protesters with batons.The way the police acted,two people in the goverment resigned because they were furios at what the police had done. President Morales stopped the construction of the highway for now.There will be a local vote the people in the area affected by the road.They either need to decide to cut the rainforest and help the economy or save the Bolivian Amazon and let the indigenous people live in the Bolivian Amazon.

This connects to what we are learning in class because like the indigeneous people in Colombia, they were fighting for their territory in the Amazon Rainforest.They wanted to protect envirment and also protect where they live.

By:BM and IA

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Disaster In Libya


 Muammar Gadoffi is a dictator who was head of the army and they and him killed the old leader of Libya just like the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte who took over France's king and queen and became the emperor of France who made France more powerful than it has ever been before.
Rebel in Libya

By JK and DT
 Gadoffi was born in 1941 and took power of Libya in 1969.Gadoffi has made Libya richer than it has ever been before,but at a terrible price being responsible for many people's deaths. By doing so Gadoffi was put on trail for murder multipe times, but he is on the run going from place to place way to often so nobody knows exactly what his positon is. In February 2011 protestors were peacefully protesting when Gadoffi sent his army on the streets to kill them. In 2011 people rose up to Gadoffi wanting to start a democracy, but Gadoffi threatened to kill or arrest them so they stood down. Gadoffi is about 70 years old and may die soon, but his son and brother are ready to take over his dictatorship once he dies.

Violence in Yemen

Fighting in Yemen
Violence rages on the civil war in Yemen. A gang of al Qaeda snipers were shooting unarmed,innocent protesters. The Yemeni government,tries to solve this presidential problem by trying to make Salah,the president to give power to the new president. Protesters tried to protest peacefully,but officials fight back with tear gas,and live bullets. This created a war for gangs to shoot everyone who protested. The "civil war" still continues in the Mid East and North Africa. This is similar to what we did in class because when the rivals of Europe try to take over each other for power. Another connection is when the Sons of Liberty protested peacefully against England government.

By JT and AA

Chevron Oil Company has a Case

This is the Amazon River full of oil and toxic waste
 Chevron is an oil company from the United States.In order for companies to get oil they need to pump the oil from the ground. If the pipes break it will be very expensive to fix. The pipes broke while there was an oil job going on. All the leaking oil went to the Amazon River. They thought people who lived near the Amazon were poor and they hoped the people would not get a voice . The  U.S. demanded the company pay the damages.

This. is like when the indigenous people's land was destroyed by spainsh. Instead the Amazon River land was destroyed  by the Chevron Oil Company.

By CG and SU

Thursday, September 15, 2011

irnian hikers

president of Iran
The Iranian people claimed that U.S hikers were spying on their president. Iran sent the U.S hikers to jail on july 2009.The Iranian government wanted $500,000 per hiker,so that U.S can release the American hikers.The American hikers claimed they were on the Iraq side of the border but the Iranian border guards said they were in the Iranian side and that they had crossed over the border illegally they must be trasspassing and they were spies.U.S president Obama had denied that the men were not in the Irianian side.

             Shane Bauer,28 years old and grew up in Onamia,Minnesota.Sarah Shourd 32 years old,was born in Oak Park,Illinois.Josh Fattal is 28 years old the youngest of the three and was born in Elkins Park,Pennsylvania.

Connection to Class
            The state department would help other Americans in other foreign countries. when Americans need helpin foreign countries the state department would help them.

By DL and CA

Slave Owners in Ireland

In Bedfordshire, United Kingdom slaves were being held captive up to15 years. The four Irish slave owners were gang members at a traveling site. The slaves owners were Tommy Connors, Patrick Connors,James Connors, and James Conner's. They held captive up to 50 men and women. They were beaten if they tried to escape and they were kept in dog kennels, horse boxes, and garden sheds.  They were kept in their own excrement and given little to none food. some were kept in a bit better conditions. The police had suspected something and a former slave came and told the police confirming their suspicions. The police created a 200 police raid (on Tuesday,13th)  of the caravan site.The slave owner were on court on Wednesday.  The slaves are now being treated at the British red cross for physical and emotional injuries.  The youngest was 17 and the rest were between 30-57.

Connection to Class

This is the place were the slaves were kept.
    The treatment of the slaves was like the slave ships coming to America because they had to sit and sleep in their own excrement and they were kept in tightly packed spaces.They were beaten by the slave traders just like the gang members.
By LA and CM

The Kenyan Sewage Explosion!

We are in the Sinai slum area. A big gas leak has spilled into the sewage which caused a big firey explosion underground the Sinai slum houses. This happened because a smoker passed by and through a ciggerett butt and it landed in the sewage, containing the fuel inside of the pipe. Childen and adults' body parts were everywhere after the explosion. They couldnt find the gender of the skelaton's , but they were able to figure out  if the skelton or bone that belonged to a child or adult. In conclusion, many families take the fact that there loved ones are gone, and the Kenyan Pipeline Company was blamed for the explosion.

           So this connects to something we've done in class because the poor slums didnt have the money to have power. Also the slums didnt have anything to have any power.

By RB and AC

Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome 6th grade World History and Geography!

Edwin and Jeffrey at the MUN conference
In 6th grade we will journey to the continents of Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. We will learn about the events, geography, and people that shaped the history of specific countries in each of these continents. Some of the countries that we will be studying more carefully are England, France, Italy, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Colombia, India and MORE!

Current Events! 
Your news will come from REAL news sources!
     You will give a current events presentation this year. Each presentation will be about an event happening on the continent we are studying that week, UNLESS a MAJOR world event happens the week you are set to present. 
    Public speaking is a very important skill that we will work to continually improve this year. We will do this through your current event presentations, class discussions, groups presentations, debates, and the MUN simulation. It will be very important that you practice your presentation many times before you give it to the class!

  1.  Sign up for a presentation date
  2.  Research a current event with a partner ( in the opposite homeroom) and Ms. Lints
  3.  Write a blog post with your partner explaining the background of the event, what happened, and possible impact of the event on the country/continent
  4.   Write True/False questions (and a key) for your classmates homework the night of your presentation     
  5. Present to your classmates

Here is what the schedule looks like:

  Week               Continent              Student 1         Student 2         
  9/15                  World                 _________      __________
  9/22                  Europe               _________      __________

Resources for your current event presentations: