Wednesday, December 7, 2011

These people are the riot police who manage to stop the violence .
 This is the second election in the DR Congo since the second Congo war! Right now Kabila is winning the election and in second place is Mr.Tshirsekedi.The supporters in the DR Congo think that Kabila rigged the election and Mr.Tshirsekedi should be the winner for the elections.Also the UN sent riot polices to stop violence during the elections if that happens.Also the UN sent helicopters to the pick up Congolese who live in Saharan Africa so they can vote.Also people protested in other countries for example Central London,Belgium,and South Africa.Also analysts believe there are ghost voters in the election.This connects to Joseph Mobutu because he was who lead the 1st election in the DR Congo.Also how he rigged the election so he could still be the president and he lasted 30 years.Also this connects to Trujillo who also rigged elections in the Dominican Republic.        JL BT

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