Thursday, September 22, 2011

Disaster In Libya


 Muammar Gadoffi is a dictator who was head of the army and they and him killed the old leader of Libya just like the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte who took over France's king and queen and became the emperor of France who made France more powerful than it has ever been before.
Rebel in Libya

By JK and DT
 Gadoffi was born in 1941 and took power of Libya in 1969.Gadoffi has made Libya richer than it has ever been before,but at a terrible price being responsible for many people's deaths. By doing so Gadoffi was put on trail for murder multipe times, but he is on the run going from place to place way to often so nobody knows exactly what his positon is. In February 2011 protestors were peacefully protesting when Gadoffi sent his army on the streets to kill them. In 2011 people rose up to Gadoffi wanting to start a democracy, but Gadoffi threatened to kill or arrest them so they stood down. Gadoffi is about 70 years old and may die soon, but his son and brother are ready to take over his dictatorship once he dies.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Ghaddafi sounds like a horrible man. What did the leaders of other countries think of him? Was he recognized by other countries as a world leader? And why didn't the citizens of his country just vote him out and re-elect someone else? Thanks for the interesting article, Mrs. Gruber.


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