Thursday, October 6, 2011

Protesters in Bolivia protest for The Bolivian Amazon

Bolivians protest for Bolivian Amazon.
The goverment of Bolivia is trying to build a highway through the Bolivian Amazon.The indigenous protesters protested because the highway was running through their territory and hurting the enviorment.When protesting about the highway, the police blocked the protesters halfway and then a riot of police started spraying tear gas and attacking the protesters with batons.The way the police acted,two people in the goverment resigned because they were furios at what the police had done. President Morales stopped the construction of the highway for now.There will be a local vote the people in the area affected by the road.They either need to decide to cut the rainforest and help the economy or save the Bolivian Amazon and let the indigenous people live in the Bolivian Amazon.

This connects to what we are learning in class because like the indigeneous people in Colombia, they were fighting for their territory in the Amazon Rainforest.They wanted to protect envirment and also protect where they live.

By:BM and IA

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting story in light of global warming and other non-environmentally friendly behaviors. Where was the road coming from and going to? Who would benefit from the road being built? Was the road being built in favor of Bolivian or foreign economic interests? Thanks, Mrs. Gruber


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