Wednesday, December 7, 2011

UN Security Council toughens sanctions on Eritrea

This the group of terrorists that Eritrea is being accused of supporting.
After being accused of supporting terrorist groups in Somalia the UN Security Council put sanctions on Eritrea. The president of Eritrea demanded to speak to the UN Security Council because he strongly disagreed with the sanctions.Also other countries like China and Russia had abstained from voting in the Security Council.Some countries had been asked to keep an eye on Eritrea to prevent them from supporting the terrorist groups.some East African countries actually wanted to toughen the sanctions,but since two countries had abstained,and European countries had decided that the government should be hurt not the people.This connects to what we did in class,when the Hindus had said that the Pakistan government was providing guns to the terrorist groups.The terrorist groups would then use these guns against the Indian Parliament killing 60 people.

 CR and JCF

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