Thursday, December 1, 2011

Exciting Elections in Egypt!

Symbols on Ballot Papers to symbolize candidates.
Since, the overthrowing of Presisdent Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians are allowed to vote. The government are now holding elections because the protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square are becoming violent, there have been forty-one people killed, and two thousand people injured. Now that Egyptians are allowed to vote, the voting deadline has been extended because of how many people are registered to vote. Egyptians old and young are waiting in lines that can be as long as two miles. There are a few cases were their have been election-related violence. Since, are some people who do not know how to read, the Ballot Papers  have symbols on them to represents the candidates. This connects to what we've learned about the South Africans when they were allowed to vote. They waited in long lines for days and were very exited to be able to vote. Just like the Egyptians, some South Africans are not educated and can not read so they had the pictures of the candidates on the Ballot Papers.


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