Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The protest against Bashar

Protesters telling Basher to step down
    The king of Jordan, Abdullah and the people of Syria want the president of Syria, president Bashar to step down from his place. Bashar has been blaming terrorists for the killings of his people, when he was really killing them. the Syrian people have been protesting and are ending up dead because Bashar did'nt want people to protest against his ways. The US.and Europe have been trying to help the Syrian people with their problems with Bashar. Other contries have had snactions on Syria because they didnt want to support Bushar and his killings. This is a connection towards South Africa and its problems with apartheid. The Afrikaaners were treating the blacks and other races badly and other contries wanted the Afrikaaners to stop. Just like Syria, other contries didn't want to sell with South Africa uintl they changed their ways . The contriries had sanctionon South Africa just like Syria.

                                                                                                                    By: AB,TC

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