Thursday, November 3, 2011

Former colombian rebel elected mayor of capital, Bogotoa!

This shows the day Gustavo was elected for Mayor in Bogota.
         Gustavo Petro, at age 51, was once part of the M-19 guerilla group movement.Perto decided to run for mayor in Bogota. Mr.Petro decided to work on bringing peace and reconciliation to Bogota. Mr. Petro also helped uncover a rigging by the old mayor, Samuel Moreno, which proved he had help tell on bad people, and help become Bogota more peaceful. Mr.Petro was lucky because 41 candidates in other cities that were running for mayor were killed by the paramilitary.In this current event, this connect to what we learned in class because we talked about how people in the guerilla group giving up there weapons. So Gustavo was one of those people who gave up there weapons, and served 2 years instead of 10 years in prison. People were not sure if they wanted a former guerilla person running for mayor. Gustavo assured people that he was going to make peace and reconciliation in Bogota.!!!
                                  AB & HB

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