Thursday, October 13, 2011

Egypts violence after the president is over thrown.

Egypt Protests
In Egypt the people overthrew president Hosni Mubarak because he was unfair. After Hosni Mubarak was taken down from his presidiential place there was peace in Egypt. But after a while the christians started protesing because the goverment did not do anything while the muslims attack the christians. Also Egypt did not count the muslims who converted to christianity. They only counted the christians who converted to Islam. After the war they had set a cerfew at 7 PM if you were out after 7 you will be sent to jail if the police sees you at night. The president of Egypt was unfair and had so much power it was like Raphael Truijllo in the Dominican Republic so the United states and the poor people assassinated him because he had the absolute power.But in Egypt they overthrew the president.There was a power vaccum when Hosni Mubarak left Egypt the people were out of control, because there was no leader to lead them.


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