Thursday, December 1, 2011

Syrian goverment kills peacfull protesters

This is the protesters that were shot at
In Syria the goverment shot peacfully protesters that wanted to change the goverment. There was a army officer who shot the sky because he did not want to kill inocent people, he was tortured and killed along with at least two children.Syria was punished by being put sanctions on it.  Soldiers were ordered by the goverment to shot and kill unarmed protesters. Reports say that the Syrain goverment killed a certain number of protesters to try to cover up there crimes against humanity. The soilders massacred 256 children in Syria. Member of the Republican Guard had beat prisoners every two hours of every day and shocked them painfully. This connects to what we learned in class because the Syrain  goverment had killed people and shocked them like King Leopold had killed innocent people in Congo. Also it relates to when King Leopold tricked Congolese and burned documents like when the Syrain goverment killed only a certain number each day to hid crims but deaths add up.

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