Thursday, September 15, 2011

Slave Owners in Ireland

In Bedfordshire, United Kingdom slaves were being held captive up to15 years. The four Irish slave owners were gang members at a traveling site. The slaves owners were Tommy Connors, Patrick Connors,James Connors, and James Conner's. They held captive up to 50 men and women. They were beaten if they tried to escape and they were kept in dog kennels, horse boxes, and garden sheds.  They were kept in their own excrement and given little to none food. some were kept in a bit better conditions. The police had suspected something and a former slave came and told the police confirming their suspicions. The police created a 200 police raid (on Tuesday,13th)  of the caravan site.The slave owner were on court on Wednesday.  The slaves are now being treated at the British red cross for physical and emotional injuries.  The youngest was 17 and the rest were between 30-57.

Connection to Class

This is the place were the slaves were kept.
    The treatment of the slaves was like the slave ships coming to America because they had to sit and sleep in their own excrement and they were kept in tightly packed spaces.They were beaten by the slave traders just like the gang members.
By LA and CM


  1. How horrible! I had no idea that slavery of this scale could occur in a wealthy, Western country like the United Kingdom. Did the people who were being held as slaves come from the United Kingdom or were they brought from other countries like the slaves were brought from other countries to this country?
    - Mrs. Gruber

  2. I'm curious why the 50 people were considered slaves instead of just captives. Were services provided by these 50 people?


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