Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Crash On The Border Of Iran

RQ170 Sentinel drone in flight non human piloted.
     There was recently a crash on the border of Iran. There are two different opinions. One opinion is that the United States was trying to sent the RQ170 Sentinel drone to spy on Iran then shot down according to Iran.But the United States says that they sent the non human piloted aircraft to Afghanistan and by accident it crashed over the border.It is unclear who is telling the truth but we know that the United States have solders in Afghanistan so we can understand that but also Iran said that they saw it and a spy aircraft has to spy on something so they shot it down so that might also be true.Now the RQ170 Sentinel drone is in Iran captivity and they could use the technology to make their own spy plane.In conclusion,this is connected to class because when Pakistan and India were fighting each other for power  nobody wanted to be wrong because it will make their government look bad just like now with United States and Iran.    
                                                                                                                                                   AF & NT

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