Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mines In The Democratic Republic Of Congo

a child that got his hands cut off by rebel forces
The Democratic Republic of Congo has always had an ustable past especially since the end of their 5-year war,that just ended in 2003.This war was the deadliest war , since World War 2.The Democratic Republic of Congo was fighting because the rebel groups in the Congo own mines.These mines have gold,dimonds,copper,and many more resources.In 1965,Joseph Mobutu ruled in absolute power and became a dictator.He used these mines to stay in power.In 1994,Rwanda had a genocide which somewhat lead to the 2nd Congo war.Rebel groups still hold power in the eatern part of the Congo,and control mines.Today Joseph Kabila,the president of the Congo, and the govenment try to take down the rebels.Elizabeth Caesens has created a website to raise awarness of the mines in the Congo.This connects to Colombia because today both govenments are trying to take out rebels and are making progress.The UN peacekeeping center is helping to reconstruct the Congo and protect civilians
by Yassmine Raoui and Isaac Lacombe

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