Thursday, October 13, 2011

Columbian girl kidnapped by guerilla groups!

Protesters(left) in support of Nohora's(right) release.
        In the Columbian town of Fortul Nohora Munoz was kidnapped.Nohora was the 10 year old daughter of Mayor Jorge Munoz.Two guerilla groups ( FARC an ELN) were suspected to have kidnapped the mayor's daughter.The mother was also kidnapped, but was soon released.The government offered a reward of 100m pesos ($51,500; 33,500 euros) for the safe return of Nohora.The mayor knows more information but cannot release it unless he wants his daughter to be harmed.The head of UNICEF of Columbia Mirian Reyes and many people from the eastern Arauca province are demanding for the guerilla groups to realease Nohora immediately!Columbia used to be known as "the kidnap capital of the world" but the abduction rates have decreased over the last ten years.
      This connects to something we have talked about in class because it is related to when Sir Francis Drake held Hispaniola for ransom.This is like when a guerilla group kidnapped  Nohora in Fortul.
By GF and JPF.

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