Thursday, October 13, 2011

Egypts violence after the president is over thrown.

Egypt Protests
In Egypt the people overthrew president Hosni Mubarak because he was unfair. After Hosni Mubarak was taken down from his presidiential place there was peace in Egypt. But after a while the christians started protesing because the goverment did not do anything while the muslims attack the christians. Also Egypt did not count the muslims who converted to christianity. They only counted the christians who converted to Islam. After the war they had set a cerfew at 7 PM if you were out after 7 you will be sent to jail if the police sees you at night. The president of Egypt was unfair and had so much power it was like Raphael Truijllo in the Dominican Republic so the United states and the poor people assassinated him because he had the absolute power.But in Egypt they overthrew the president.There was a power vaccum when Hosni Mubarak left Egypt the people were out of control, because there was no leader to lead them.


Columbian girl kidnapped by guerilla groups!

Protesters(left) in support of Nohora's(right) release.
        In the Columbian town of Fortul Nohora Munoz was kidnapped.Nohora was the 10 year old daughter of Mayor Jorge Munoz.Two guerilla groups ( FARC an ELN) were suspected to have kidnapped the mayor's daughter.The mother was also kidnapped, but was soon released.The government offered a reward of 100m pesos ($51,500; 33,500 euros) for the safe return of Nohora.The mayor knows more information but cannot release it unless he wants his daughter to be harmed.The head of UNICEF of Columbia Mirian Reyes and many people from the eastern Arauca province are demanding for the guerilla groups to realease Nohora immediately!Columbia used to be known as "the kidnap capital of the world" but the abduction rates have decreased over the last ten years.
      This connects to something we have talked about in class because it is related to when Sir Francis Drake held Hispaniola for ransom.This is like when a guerilla group kidnapped  Nohora in Fortul.
By GF and JPF.

Chile Education

The protesters are being blown away with a STRONG FIRE HOSE
 on people and police wanted protesters to leave.
In Chile education is a big thing because there are some bad leaders that lead to bad education. Also Chilean students have protested in the capital streets which is Santiago. The protesters have destroyed buildings and all of what they have destroyed is worth $1.2 million. Other people have join the students for various reasons such as Gay people having equal rights. Last, students want money to go to schools and improve the education in Chile. This related to class because in New Enlgand, patriots wanted representation in parlament . Also, they protested down the streets and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea.
By MC and JP

Thursday, October 6, 2011


     The first happened in June,2011 in Chile in the southern Patagonia. The wind current from the explosion of the Puyehue Volcano in Chile, affected Villa La Angostura, Argentina, because of the ashes.This effected the farmers and the businesses, because they can't make more money.This affected most of the people the most the most because they don't have any money and when they don't have money they cant buy food or shelter. The damage would take about 6 years to pay and the total lose is $37 MILLION!!
     This effected the people the most because they are killing their cattle and getting sick from the ashes. All of the rain is causing avalanches and landslides.This is like something we have studied in class before when the Haitian earthquake happened. This is like the Haitian earthquake because people from other countries are coming out to help people in Argentina just like in Haiti and giving money because both are in bad conditions

  MA, AM

The Nobel Prize winners

Saul Perlmutter, Adam Reiss, and Brian Schmidt won the Nobel Prize for physics by discovering that the universe is expanding. They discovered this by experimenting on normal candles and using very powerful telescopes.They won $10,000,000 which they had to split up since they all had a part in their work.What really helped them was a substaince called dark energy or matter which holds objects in place and causes  movments like revolutions around the sun.They started this in 1944.

Saul Perlmutter,Adam Riess,and Brian Schmidt
     Saul Perlmutter,Adam Riess, and Brian Schmidt discovered this theory with a telescope and Galileo discovered the heliocentric theory using a telescope.This means they both proved evidence using the same thing which is telescope.
By GDV and JH

Protesters in Bolivia protest for The Bolivian Amazon

Bolivians protest for Bolivian Amazon.
The goverment of Bolivia is trying to build a highway through the Bolivian Amazon.The indigenous protesters protested because the highway was running through their territory and hurting the enviorment.When protesting about the highway, the police blocked the protesters halfway and then a riot of police started spraying tear gas and attacking the protesters with batons.The way the police acted,two people in the goverment resigned because they were furios at what the police had done. President Morales stopped the construction of the highway for now.There will be a local vote the people in the area affected by the road.They either need to decide to cut the rainforest and help the economy or save the Bolivian Amazon and let the indigenous people live in the Bolivian Amazon.

This connects to what we are learning in class because like the indigeneous people in Colombia, they were fighting for their territory in the Amazon Rainforest.They wanted to protect envirment and also protect where they live.

By:BM and IA