Thursday, April 25, 2013


Nelson Mandela is a big part of history that has affected many people in a positive fashion. In Times Square, where the ball drops at New Years Eve, we are honoring him for his extemely hard work by putting his quotes on the billboards. Many people are working hard to have people reconize his hard work but some people don't believe he'll make it for his 95th birthday. He has recently been hospitalized for a lung infection that can be fatal. We want to make sure that his legacy is know for a long time in the future. Times Square is a very well-known area in the country so a lot of people willknow Nelson Mandela. This connects to class because we previously learned about the very important actions Mandela has performed which is worthy of a world-wide mention.For example, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years but still came it strong for the people of South Africa, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and was the first black president of South Africa after the end of Apartheid.

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