Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lino Oviedo Dies

Recently Lino Oviedo died in a helicopter crash before the Paraguan presidential election. Mr.Oviedo was an army colonel because he gained alot of power when he overthrew General Alfredo Stroessner in 1989. In 1998 Oviedo planned to run for president but was sentenced 10 years in prison for attempting to overthrow President Wamosy. Raul Cubus was elected and ordered Oviedo out of prison early. But Oviedo was arrested again for murdering Vice President Luis Maria Argana in 1999 and was forced to leave Paraguay. In 2004 Mr.Oviedo returned and tried to acomplish his goal of being president and was never arrested again. This event connects to class because both Oviedo and the lower French class overthrew leaders. They did this because they both wanted power.

EL and GC

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