Thursday, September 22, 2011

Disaster In Libya


 Muammar Gadoffi is a dictator who was head of the army and they and him killed the old leader of Libya just like the dictator Napoleon Bonaparte who took over France's king and queen and became the emperor of France who made France more powerful than it has ever been before.
Rebel in Libya

By JK and DT
 Gadoffi was born in 1941 and took power of Libya in 1969.Gadoffi has made Libya richer than it has ever been before,but at a terrible price being responsible for many people's deaths. By doing so Gadoffi was put on trail for murder multipe times, but he is on the run going from place to place way to often so nobody knows exactly what his positon is. In February 2011 protestors were peacefully protesting when Gadoffi sent his army on the streets to kill them. In 2011 people rose up to Gadoffi wanting to start a democracy, but Gadoffi threatened to kill or arrest them so they stood down. Gadoffi is about 70 years old and may die soon, but his son and brother are ready to take over his dictatorship once he dies.

Violence in Yemen

Fighting in Yemen
Violence rages on the civil war in Yemen. A gang of al Qaeda snipers were shooting unarmed,innocent protesters. The Yemeni government,tries to solve this presidential problem by trying to make Salah,the president to give power to the new president. Protesters tried to protest peacefully,but officials fight back with tear gas,and live bullets. This created a war for gangs to shoot everyone who protested. The "civil war" still continues in the Mid East and North Africa. This is similar to what we did in class because when the rivals of Europe try to take over each other for power. Another connection is when the Sons of Liberty protested peacefully against England government.

By JT and AA

Chevron Oil Company has a Case

This is the Amazon River full of oil and toxic waste
 Chevron is an oil company from the United States.In order for companies to get oil they need to pump the oil from the ground. If the pipes break it will be very expensive to fix. The pipes broke while there was an oil job going on. All the leaking oil went to the Amazon River. They thought people who lived near the Amazon were poor and they hoped the people would not get a voice . The  U.S. demanded the company pay the damages.

This. is like when the indigenous people's land was destroyed by spainsh. Instead the Amazon River land was destroyed  by the Chevron Oil Company.

By CG and SU

Thursday, September 15, 2011

irnian hikers

president of Iran
The Iranian people claimed that U.S hikers were spying on their president. Iran sent the U.S hikers to jail on july 2009.The Iranian government wanted $500,000 per hiker,so that U.S can release the American hikers.The American hikers claimed they were on the Iraq side of the border but the Iranian border guards said they were in the Iranian side and that they had crossed over the border illegally they must be trasspassing and they were spies.U.S president Obama had denied that the men were not in the Irianian side.

             Shane Bauer,28 years old and grew up in Onamia,Minnesota.Sarah Shourd 32 years old,was born in Oak Park,Illinois.Josh Fattal is 28 years old the youngest of the three and was born in Elkins Park,Pennsylvania.

Connection to Class
            The state department would help other Americans in other foreign countries. when Americans need helpin foreign countries the state department would help them.

By DL and CA

Slave Owners in Ireland

In Bedfordshire, United Kingdom slaves were being held captive up to15 years. The four Irish slave owners were gang members at a traveling site. The slaves owners were Tommy Connors, Patrick Connors,James Connors, and James Conner's. They held captive up to 50 men and women. They were beaten if they tried to escape and they were kept in dog kennels, horse boxes, and garden sheds.  They were kept in their own excrement and given little to none food. some were kept in a bit better conditions. The police had suspected something and a former slave came and told the police confirming their suspicions. The police created a 200 police raid (on Tuesday,13th)  of the caravan site.The slave owner were on court on Wednesday.  The slaves are now being treated at the British red cross for physical and emotional injuries.  The youngest was 17 and the rest were between 30-57.

Connection to Class

This is the place were the slaves were kept.
    The treatment of the slaves was like the slave ships coming to America because they had to sit and sleep in their own excrement and they were kept in tightly packed spaces.They were beaten by the slave traders just like the gang members.
By LA and CM

The Kenyan Sewage Explosion!

We are in the Sinai slum area. A big gas leak has spilled into the sewage which caused a big firey explosion underground the Sinai slum houses. This happened because a smoker passed by and through a ciggerett butt and it landed in the sewage, containing the fuel inside of the pipe. Childen and adults' body parts were everywhere after the explosion. They couldnt find the gender of the skelaton's , but they were able to figure out  if the skelton or bone that belonged to a child or adult. In conclusion, many families take the fact that there loved ones are gone, and the Kenyan Pipeline Company was blamed for the explosion.

           So this connects to something we've done in class because the poor slums didnt have the money to have power. Also the slums didnt have anything to have any power.

By RB and AC