Thursday, January 24, 2013

Russia Losing Government

In Syria, there is a war going on now. Russians support the Syrian government. Unfortunately, since the Russians are leaving, it is bringing worries to the Syrian people, especially the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, because he knows he might not win the war. Syria is a country under the country Turkey .On Tuesday the civil war was vicious . By that we mean the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights or the S.O.H.R. found 60 people in Syria dead.
This current event connects to class, because the Russians are like serfs from the Middle Ages. The Russians are like serfs because they both did something to protect themselves or their families, such as fleeing or working for their lives.

J.S and A.C

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very complicated subject. I'm impressed that you are working to understand it!


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