Thursday, January 24, 2013

The gas leak

Our summary is about a gas leak that smelled really badly.People in Europe and England were complaining about the smell. Everybody between France,Italy and England were complaining about the smell.So now no one in those countries ever wants the same mistake to happen.People were also comeplaing about this because this only gave you a headaches and nausea.This relates to our class because this type of gas was nonrenewable.

                                                                                                     HC and ADLS

Russia Losing Government

In Syria, there is a war going on now. Russians support the Syrian government. Unfortunately, since the Russians are leaving, it is bringing worries to the Syrian people, especially the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, because he knows he might not win the war. Syria is a country under the country Turkey .On Tuesday the civil war was vicious . By that we mean the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights or the S.O.H.R. found 60 people in Syria dead.
This current event connects to class, because the Russians are like serfs from the Middle Ages. The Russians are like serfs because they both did something to protect themselves or their families, such as fleeing or working for their lives.

J.S and A.C

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Greenland's Rare Minerals

Greenland is trying to figure out who they want to give some of their rare minerals to. The EU ( European Union) and China both think they should receive some. But Greenland wanted to see who they liked the most to give them some of their minerals to. There is a most likely chance that Canada and Australia will get some because they have the most exploration companies in Greenland. How the ice caps are melting, Greenland can find more rare minerals and there might be more conflict between the countries. The connection between the rare minerals and class is they are non-renewable resources. In class we talked about how non-renewable resources cost a lot more money than renewable resources. So Greenland might get rich!

Russian couple accused of spying

A married Russian couple gave confidenital information about Germany to Russia. Andreas and Heidrun Anschlag were alleged by prosecuters to have been transmitting a code to Russia before they got arrested. They got arrested in their home in Marburg,Germany and  are having a trial Stuttgart,Germany. The couple started spying in the 1980s and got arrested 25 years later (October 18, 2011). This is a bad situation for the Germans and Russians because their relationship will get worse since the Germans are frustrated for the Russians spying on them and the Russians are irratated that the Germans are accusing them of spying on them. The German are suspicious because former Russian president Vladimir Putin was in KGB (a Russian spying organization) while the couple was spying on them. This connects to class because in WWII they had a bad relationship like the event that just occured. This is also connected to the Black Death because the couple was accused of being spies just like the Jews were accused of poisoning people.
Our current event is about not being able to show your religious beliefs in your workplace. For example, Nadia Eweida  sued British Airways for discrimination against her christian beliefs. The lawsuit she filed was a success because it violated the ECHR(European Court of Human Rights) in article 9, which states that people are allowed to show their religious as long as it is not forced on other people. This is just one of many cases with this situation.This connects to the pilgrims because they couldn't practice their religion in England so they came to America.This also connects to class because during the Black Death Jews were discriminated against for poisoning the water even though that wasn't the cause. This is the presentation we came up with.

Z.B.S and S.A.