Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome 6th grade World History and Geography!

Edwin and Jeffrey at the MUN conference
In 6th grade we will journey to the continents of Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. We will learn about the events, geography, and people that shaped the history of specific countries in each of these continents. Some of the countries that we will be studying more carefully are England, France, Italy, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Colombia, India and MORE!

Current Events! 
Your news will come from REAL news sources!
     You will give a current events presentation this year. Each presentation will be about an event happening on the continent we are studying that week, UNLESS a MAJOR world event happens the week you are set to present. 
    Public speaking is a very important skill that we will work to continually improve this year. We will do this through your current event presentations, class discussions, groups presentations, debates, and the MUN simulation. It will be very important that you practice your presentation many times before you give it to the class!

  1.  Sign up for a presentation date
  2.  Research a current event with a partner ( in the opposite homeroom) and Ms. Lints
  3.  Write a blog post with your partner explaining the background of the event, what happened, and possible impact of the event on the country/continent
  4.   Write True/False questions (and a key) for your classmates homework the night of your presentation     
  5. Present to your classmates

Here is what the schedule looks like:

  Week               Continent              Student 1         Student 2         
  9/15                  World                 _________      __________
  9/22                  Europe               _________      __________

Resources for your current event presentations: